
Website Maintenence Pricing

Below are our pricing for Website Mangagement and updates. The best option is the Annual Plan one, you can updates your site at an time with no restrictions. Of course any plan is perfect for you. You can always start with the basic "One Time" plan then build it up as time past when you have a lot more things to updates.

One Time

$50/one time

  • Initial Pages Edits (Up to 5)
  • No other updates
  • All works are final

Per Month


  • Initial Pages Edits (Up to 15 Pages)
  • Up to 5 times Multiple Updates
  • Work are done during the month period



  • Initial Pages Edits (Unlimited)
  • Unlimited Multiple Updates
  • Work are continuous throughout the year

Compare plans

One Time Per Month Annual
Initial Pages Edits (Up to 15)
Initial Pages Edits (Unlimited)
Unlimited Updates
Can request changes after work is completed
Best Price (saved money)